Many years ago, perhaps diabetes was not a common problem.However, today, due to the sedentary lifestyle and excess sugar and fat, diabetes is gradually becoming the "silent enemy" of health, affecting even young people.
High blood sugar This means that blood sugar is exceeding normal.According to experts, the normal glycemic value of normal people ranges from 3.9 to 6.1 mmol/l.If this index exceeds 6.1mmol/l, you are at risk of hyperglycemia.Unfortunately, most people often do not have the habit of periodic health check, so it is easy to ignore early warning signs.
So, is there any way to identify when blood sugar is too high?The answer is yes.According to experts, if you notice the following 3 manifestations after eating, it is likely that your blood sugar is at an alarming level.
People with high blood sugar often show 3 signs after eating
1. Continuous thirst
One of the common signs but often overlooked when blood sugar is high is intense thirst and must drink more water than usual.This happens when the excess glucose in the blood causes the kidneys to work more to remove unnecessary sugar from the body through the urine.
According to nutritionist Zanini in Los Angeles: "When the kidneys cannot adjust blood sugar, excess glucose will be released through the urine, leading to a lot of urination, dehydration and even dizziness. "
So, if you feel constantly thirsty, whether you have enough water or need to urinate more times, pay attention to your glycemic index to avoid dangerous complications.
2. Hunger than usual but still losing weight
If you feel hungry regularly even more than usual, this may be a sign of polyphagia - a common symptom when high blood sugar is not controlled.
According to Cleveland Clinic, this happens because your body cannot use glucose to generate energy due to insulin resistance.Instead, the body is forced to switch to muscle and fat as a replacement energy source.This leads to unwanted weight loss and unhealthy, weakening muscles, increasing the risk of falling.
Zanini explained: "When the body cannot metabolize glucose, it starts to decompose muscles and fat, leading to uncontrolled weight loss, even though you still eat well. "
3. Feeling sleepy after eating
The feeling of sleepy after eating is not only due to a heavy meal but also a sign of sudden increased blood sugar.When you eat full, the blood sugar increases, causing the insulin receptors in the cell to stop working, resulting in glucose accumulated in the blood.The pancreas is forced to produce more insulin, putting pressure on organs in the body and leading to fatigue and drowsiness right after a meal.
If you often feel sleepy after eating, especially after sugar or starchy meals, it may be a warning sign of metabolic disorders and high blood sugar.
Diabetes and high blood sugar can lead to many dangerous complications such as cardiovascular disease, kidney failure, nerve damage.Therefore, if you find yourself having one or more signs, quickly go to the hospital to check the blood sugar index.
5 vegetables are "natural hypoglycemic drugs"
For people with diabetes, choosing food is extremely important to control blood sugar.Some vegetables not only provide fiber to help stabilize blood sugar, but also supplement vitamins and minerals necessary for the body.
1. Spinach
Spinach contains low carbohydrates and has a very low blood sugar index.This is a rich source of fiber, vitamins A, C, K, along with many minerals like iron and magnesium to help stabilize blood sugar.You can use it to make salads, stir -fry or cook soup.
2. Broccoli
Broccoli contains sulforaphane, a compound that helps reduce oxidative stress and enhance insulin.In addition, it also helps lower cholesterol and protect heart health for diabetics.
3. Bitter melon (bitter melon)
Bitter melon has been shown to reduce blood sugar levels thanks to the charantin and polypeptide-P compounds, which help stimulate insulin production.
4. Tomatoes
Tomatoes have low glycemic index and contain lycopene - an antioxidant that helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular complications for diabetics.It also helps improve blood pressure and reduce inflammation.
5. Celery
Celery contains apigenin, a compound that helps reduce inflammation and hypoglycemia.In addition, celery is rich in antioxidants and helps improve liver health.